September 22, 2019

The Impact of Parenting, Friends, and Media on Human Conditioning

On this episode, Sean Johnson and John Casey delve into a thought-provoking discussion about the distinguishable elements of human nature and human conditioning. They explore how the environments we grow up in and the people we surround ourselves with significantly shape our lives.

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The 2logical Team

On this episode, Sean Johnson and John Casey delve into a thought-provoking discussion about the distinguishable elements of human nature and human conditioning. They explore how the environments we grow up in and the people we surround ourselves with significantly shape our lives.

Understanding  Nature vs. Human Conditioning

John Casey opens the conversation by clarifying a common misconception: many people often reverse the definitions of human nature and human conditioning. Human nature is the pure, unconditioned essence we are born with, encompassing qualities such as resilience, curiosity, and adaptability. Human conditioning, on the other hand, involves lowering our standards and accepting mediocrity due to various influences we encounter as we grow.

A deep dive into human nature reveals that everyone is born with almost unlimited potential. Babies, described as "slimy, helpless, and looking like an alien," start with no skills but an incredibly powerful and blank-slate mind. This initial state of purity and unlimited potential allows humans to learn essential skills, like walking and talking, through persistent effort and resilience, without preconceived limits.

John illustrates this by highlighting a baby's journey to learning how to walk and communicate. Despite countless falls and errors, babies don't give up or judge themselves. Their courage and curiosity keep them going until they master walking—a trait driven by their pure human spirit.

The Role of Human Conditioning

Human conditioning begins at a formative stage in life, typically between three to seven years of age. During this crucial period, self-image and the way individuals communicate with themselves start to take shape. This conditioning comes primarily from the feedback and influences of parents, teachers, and early interactions.

John discusses the shift from human nature to human conditioning, explaining how societal and environmental influences impose boundaries and limits on us. This process of developing an inner voice or self-talk, which can either encourage persistence or facilitate giving up, becomes deeply ingrained and often guides our behavior subconsciously.

Influences on Human Conditioning

Parenting plays a pivotal role in shaping our human conditioning. John emphasizes the importance of parents being aware of their influence and reflecting on their upbringing to decide which legacies to pass on. Overprotective parenting styles, like helicopter or snowplow parenting, can inadvertently teach children dependence and limit their potential.

John advocates for a balance—allowing children to experience freedom within set boundaries, thereby harnessing their innate qualities like curiosity and resilience. He uses the example of children raised on family farms, who often become exceptional team members due to the responsibilities and independence they experience early on.

The people we surround ourselves with also significantly impact our conditioning. John highlights the importance of choosing friends who exhibit positive traits, encourage growth, and possess qualities such as accountability and resilience. He shares a poem illustrating how friends can influence our vision, either elevating our dreams or dragging us towards mediocrity.

He advises considering the personalities and attitudes of our friends, suggesting that those who align with higher human emotions, like positivity and persistence, are better for our growth than those who tend towards negativity and resignation.

The media we consume is another potent conditioner. Sean and John stress the importance of critically assessing our news sources and being aware of their agendas. The media's focus on negativity ("if it bleeds, it leads") can shape our worldview and reinforce lower-level emotions.

John suggests balancing our consumption by exposing ourselves to a spectrum of perspectives, even those that challenge our beliefs. This practice not only broadens our understanding but also fosters empathy and more informed opinions.


In conclusion, understanding the dynamics between human nature and human conditioning empowers us to make conscious choices about our influences. By nurturing our inherent qualities and critically evaluating external influences—from parenting and friendships to media consumption—we can strive to retain the positive aspects of human nature and minimize detrimental conditioning.

Parenting should promote independence and resilience, friendships should inspire growth, and our media consumption should be balanced and critically assessed. By doing so, we can lead more fulfilling lives, free from the limiting confines of negative conditioning.

Human nature is our birthright—an essence of boundless potential. The journey of life, influenced by various conditioning factors, can either diminish or enhance this potential. Remember, it's never too late to return to that pure state of resilience, curiosity, and accountability that defines human nature. Strive to hold onto these innate qualities and watch your life transform for the better.

For more insights, you can listen to the full episode on your favorite streaming platform!

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